CCIAM Latest News

Key Results and Recommendations from the CCIAM International Conference held in Nashera Hotel 3rd April, 2014


Key Findings

Key Recommendations

Responsible Actor

Theme I: Private – Public – Partnership Interventions


·         Smallholders farmers can increase productivity of maize and rice with optimal inputs.

·         Improved agronomic practices can facilitate sustainable intensification and extensive farming.

·         Crop residues should be incorporated into the soil to avoid soil nutrient mining

·         Liming is should be done in Njombe because of high soil acidity.

·         DED (Agric. Extension officers)

·         The soil is depleted without replacement of nutrients with mineral fertilizers.

·         A sustainable intensification improves the product water footprint but will increase the physical water abstraction.

·         Adjust nutrient application rates to realistic yield potential and soil reserves

·         Consider available manures, crop residues in nutrient planning.

·         PPP deliver knowledge and technology transfer in all directions

·         MoAFC

·         DED (Agric. Extension officers)

·         Private sector (e.g Fertilizer companies

Theme II: Monitoring Reporting and Verification and NCMC


·         NAFORMA is Tanzania’s greatest asset for reporting to the UNFCCC

·         Repeated NFI measurements are required and a strategy for a continuous monitoring system should be developed and implemented with due attention to the requirements of the UNFCCC reporting


Theme IIIREDD+ Governance


·         The benefits that REDD+ will bring to local people are uncertain.

·         Implementing REDD+ on a national scale is a very complex and challenging task.

·         Lack of agreement on funding REDD activities – most of them are under aid

·         Financing agencies could reward proven performance with regard to carbon-reducing measures

·         Consent agreement is needed for efficient REDD+ scale up.

·         REDD should work under VCS and complacence.


Theme IV: Climate Change Modelling


·         Global climate models are potential to estimate local climate change impact

·         Local historical data and information are potential for climate change modeling and adaption impact


·         There is increased thunderstorm events in Lake Victoria


Theme V: Socioeconomics and REDD+


·         FSC Certified CBFM have a positive influence socioeconomic conditions

·         Incorporate the REDD+ standards into the National FSC draft standards with international credibility


·         Intra-village spatial asymmetries in wealth, education, and access to amenities at the village center create a baseline scenario of inequity

·         Recognize trade-offs between individual cash payments and community development projects

·         Communities should choose their own benefit sharing.

·         VOP

·         DED

·         The livelihood dependency of farmers on forest is significant even in forests gazzetted as nature reserve as Rungwe

·         REDD+ delivery is a challenge in areas faced by dense population and land fragmentation - opportunity cost from restrict access and farming expansion is exorbitant

·         REDD+ might have negative effects on local livelihood outcomes such as food security

·         A comprehensive livelihood assessment of REDD+ impacts is needed to evaluate the efficacy of different activities e.g. conservation agriculture

·         Research institutions

Theme VI: Afforestation & Agroforestry



·         Limited understanding of tree-crop-livestock interactions at landscape levels and implications to CC mitigation and adaptation

·         Planning reforms to take advantage of landscape multi-functionality at meso and macro levels are needed

·         Research institutions

·         NGOs

·         Agroforestry is important for implementation and overall success of REDD+ strategies



Incidences of climatic change manifested by changes in long term rainfall patterns have been observed in Tanzania

·         Adaptation and mitigation efforts to combat CC impact challenges have to follow elements of sustainable forest management (SFM)

Theme VII: Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture/Natural Resource Management


·         Climate change is only one of many factors impacting how the complex physical systems of the earth operate

·         Tanzanians as individuals have low adaptation capacity to climate change (Low capital, education, law enforcement, education and institutional arrangements)

·         Research, Awareness creation, Education & campaign and technologies needed


·         International communities

·         VPO

·         Research institutions

·         NGOs

·         Media

Theme VIII: Climate Change and Gender


·         CC impact gender differently

·         Interventions, technologies and policies should be designed in a participatory

·         Ministries

·         VPO

·         NGOs

Theme IX: Conservation Policy


·         Implementation of REDD+ in PFM forests and WMAs offers many incentive options to communities’ livelihood.

·         Conservation policies support REDD.

·         There is a lot of forests in the Protected areas (NPs, WMA, Game reserves)..

·         Important to ensure that legally binding agreements are made regarding the allocation and/or sharing of carbon benefits from forest management in JFM and WMAs.


Theme I: Private – Public – Partnership Interventions


·         Agricultural intensification indicate an important contribution in terms of food security and income production at household level in the studied districts

·         Reliable and dependable sources of inputs required

DED, CSOs and Private sector


·         Macroeconomic models are building on assumptions about individual behaviour.

·         They thereby provide a gateway to how individual and regional differences matter in a national context, and can be used to consistently integrate results from different fields of research

·         Researchers

·         NBS

·         The farm GM of a changeover from vegetable crop systems to dairy goat and more permant grass systems with MPPT seem to increase.

·         The dairy goat/grass and MPPT seems to do better under a climate change scenario due to less yield decline and less yield variation of the grass/MPPT compared to seasonal vegetable crops.



Monitoring, Reporting and Verification and NCMC


·         NAFORMA provides baseline information and is the starting point of a continuing MRV.

·         General NAFORMA biophysical and socio-economic data and maps support local planning.

·         Institutionalization of NAFORMA into TFS/FBD to ensure experiences are maintained for future monitoring



·         Establishing Monitoring system for REDD+ is challenging, but not impossible

·         Use locals for measuring (cheaper and compareable accuracy)

·         Start with existing capacities (Institution, technical capacities, costs and financing ). e.g., INPE Brazil

·         Seek for regional/international cooperation- developed countries have (expertise, experience, technology

·         VPO

·         MNRT

·         The demonstrated harvesting scenarios suggest that the developed tool can be applied in practical planning especially in area where growth models were developed

·         A price and cost module as a function of dbh and ht should be incorporated into the matrix model

·         Future research efforts should be invested into recalibration of the models describing forest development, if more data from permanent sample plots covering wider ranges of growth conditions in miombo woodlands become available

·         VPO

·         MNRT

·         Research institution


·         Moderate grazing seem to lower the risk for strong fires and dung beetles are essential in resycling carbon

·         The effect of fire may be radically different with respect to habitat change depending on what happened before the fire, the severity of the fire, and what happens after the fire.

·         More info is needed on the vulnerability and resilience of different miombo forest types.

Research institutions

·         Closed forests seem to be the major contributor to carbon loss in Pugu FR, emitting about 75,690.9 tons of CO2eq

·         An annual rate of 2,523 tons of CO2eq

·         Restoration and sustainable management of the forest will contribute to emission mitigation of over 2,000 t annually.

VPO, MNRT, Private sector

·         Soil carbon pool almost 6 times that in biomass makes the soil carbon the major carbon pool in degraded forests.

·         Mitigating the drivers of soil degradation will have positive implications on carbon storage capacity in forest ecosystems and emission mitigation.

VPO, lead ministries, NGOs, DED

·         Remotely Piloted Aerial Systems are low cost tools to upscale from in-situ to satellite monitoring

·         Bigger system can carry more advanced sensors (LiDAR)

VPO, MNRT, Private sector and Research institutions


REDD+ Governance


·         REDD+ Piloting done in village, local government and central gov. lands. However, the Village main arena –centre peace

·         REDD+ process is in dilemma

·         The study underscore the need of power triangle

·         It is important to put REDD+ Safeguards for win-win situation

·         REDD Safeguards are crucial

VPO, Lead ministries

·         Strong dependency on forest resources is a core basis for opposition. Note also internal redistribution issues

·         Opposition on REDD+ is not voiced in meetings

·         There must be local interest o implement REDD

·         Should have strong focus in information and communication

Communities, DED, VPO, Media, CSOs

·         Contrasting perceptions of the REDD+ pilot projects

·         Need to use political ecology can be used in explaining the contrasting perceptions

Research communities

·         REDD is initiated - and discussed - at international level, but it will affect the local. It may be seen as a framework for managing forests.

·         It represents a shift from the more traditional way of forest management.

·         Through REDD, forest management becomes a business.

·         Guidelines for benefit sharing under REDD need to be in place


·         Issues of REDD+ are not adequately addressed in the sector strategies, programmes and plans related to agriculture and natural resources management.

·         There is need to ensure that agricultural and natural resources management related initiatives are aware of the REDD+ requirements for such initiatives

·         Spatial planning - formulation and implementation of agricultural land use plans needed.

Lead ministries

Commission of Land use Plans


·         Hybrid structures created

·         Dependency on forest resources is high

·         REDD+ activities to focus more on reducing forest dependency particularly to poor and middle income households

·         Reduce the challenges created by the hybrid structures by mainstreaming REDD activities to existing local government.

·         Review the MPs to be more inclusive – to incorporate poor livelihoods

VPO, lead ministries

Theme Climate Change Adaptation in Agriculture/Natural Resource Management

Are we ready for the plus?
Pollination, ecosystem services and forest conservation

·         reducing deforestation and forest degradation may enhance crop pollination and yield

·         Coherent management of pollination, forests, and

·         agricultural landscapes

Lead ministries