Project Objectives

General objective
To improve teaching, research, outreach and administration functions at SUA through enhanced ICT applications and systems.

 Specific Objectives
i.) Outfitting the buildings at SUA to improve connectivity for research, teaching, and administrative functions;
ii.) Establishing a single unified network across all campuses and training facilities;
iii.) Rehabilitating and fully equipping the existing computer laboratories and their network infrastructure;
iv.) Establishing video conferencing to facilitate distance learning/teaching and interface SUA with international organizations;
v.) Acquiring and installing electric power backup and recovery rooms for equipment and data protection, and uninterrupted teaching;
vi.) Establishing a functional and effective SUA e-mail system for academic and non-academic staff; and
vii.)Training of personnel in the operations and maintenance of ICT infrastructure.
viii)To construct an ICT building so as to provide teaching space and housing of ICT facilities
ix.) To strengthen the SUA ICT infrastructure by establishing a reliable e-mail system, fully equipped computer labs, servers, LAN and security systems
x.) To improve Internet connectivity and bandwidth
xi.)To establish integrated information systems for training, research, outreach and administrative functions
xii.)To enhance ICT utilization and management skills
