
The three academic thematic areas of BSUII are strongly anchored at the respective SUA departments and the finance management theme is also anchored in the finance department. This anchorage ensures institutional ownership of the curricula and the three postgraduate programs developed by BSU. The infrastructure procured and developed by BSU will be owned by the university and used for research, training and outreach activities by the other departments at the university. Arrangements are in place to mainstream generic courses developed by BSU to SUA’s curricula and transfer the responsibility of running these courses to the Directorate of Research and Postgraduate Training.

Some of the research groups constituted with support from BSUII are anchored at different departments and will potentially serve as instruments for ensuring proper supervision of PhD students. The identified linkages with the private sector through internship positions and stakeholder interaction will ensure support to the three postgraduate programs and acknowledgement of research activities. Furthermore, efforts will be made during BSUIII to encourage SUA departments to include support to research in their annual budgets. Finally, it is envisaged that the partnership between Danish and SUA researchers will continue beyond the lifespan of BSUIII as partners will identify areas of common interest for future research proposal and obtain external funding independently of DANIDA.